In an emergency situation, we need to find a caller’s location as soon as possible. The operator may not have sufficient English ability to receive accurate information. Therefore we request that you follow the instruction below.
1. Contact the Receptionist / Management Company of your accommodation.
Please ask their assistance to call us explaining your emergency location in Japanese.
2. Find somebody who can speak Japanese for language assistance.
Your emergency location will be defined more accurately in Japanese. This will assist the rescue process quickly.
3. Try to use a landline phone nearby.
Landline phones enable a caller’s location to be automatically recognized based on the contractor’s address. Please be sure to provide us the name of buildings, or landmarks in case that the address is registered at the different location from the landline phone.
4. Try to use a Japanese mobile phone contracting with a Japanese mobile phone carrier.
A caller’s location will only be roughly recognized through a Japanese mobile phone. Therefore, you need to provide us the name of buildings or landmarks so that we can locate you more accurately.
5. Try to use a mobile phone from your country.
An emergency call from an international mobile phone does not provide us a quick accurate location. Please stay calm and stay on the telephone to help us find your location. If the phone line is disconnected before telling us your location, it may cause a delay.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Kutchan Fire Station