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End of the 2014 Season is Upon Us

by | Apr 4, 2014 | News, Winter Sports | 0 comments


As is the cycle of life, all things must come to an end – skiing and snowboarding in Niseko included.

Niseko Village and Hanazono will officially cease operations for the 2013/2014 season on Sunday April 6th. However, Niseko Village will restart the lifts for a period between April 26th and May 6th.

Niseko Grand Hirafu and Niseko Annupuri plan to keep the lifts spinning right up until May 6th – the end of the Japanese holiday period, Golden Week.

Niseko-Grand-Hirafu-Spring-2014However, it won’t necessarily be full operation, from April 7th Grand Hirafu will only run Ace #2 Centre Four, the King #3 and the King #4 during the week, with the Hirafu Gondola operating on weekends.

Of course, these are planned operation dates, and things can change in either direction with the weather and snow conditions – last year it actually remained open for longer, fingers crossed!

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