This Saturday June 1st from 17:00 Rhythm Cycles will hold it’s official opening party for the 2013 season. The shop has expanded this year and stocks a vast range of retail and rental bikes and also has biking parts and accessories.
Rhythm Cycles also offer’s a bike repairs and servicing and can also provide guided bike tours.
The Rhythm Cycles team will be conducting free guided tours from 15:00 before the BBQ. Get in contact with the shop at least an hour beforehand to book a place if interested – spaces are limited.
Whatever you need, 31 May 2013
Retail section….. so many bikes to choose from! 31 May 2013
The BBQ will again be produced by Dennis from Green Farm Cafe who will be cooking up a storm. Food will be provided but BYO drinks. Take a look at last years party if you need any more convincing. See you there!