*0cm has fallen in the last 24 hours in Niseko. At 08:00 today the temperature was 5°C.This morning it feels much colder out there than 5 degrees. Alas no April dumpage this morning down here at 360niseko HQ….higher up on the mountain….nah. Yesterday’s rain and then thick snow eating fog have had a considerable impact on the snow…nom nom nom. Today we can expect some sunshine in the afternoon and overall it is not a bad day out there. Higher up it will probably be quite icy until the sun comes out.The groomed runs will also be icy early and then your typical slushy spring conditions. Have a good day.
Know Thine Enemy
Beware as this is happening – Full Depth Avalanche! Please read the avalanche report if you are venturing into the backcountry.
Useful information from other places
- Accumulative snow fall to date in Niseko, 1397.5cm
- Snow depth at the peak, 425cm
- Snow depth at the base, 135cm
- Real time lift operations.
- JMA’s six hour precipitation forecast, possibly the most accurate weather map
- Snow Forecast 6 day weather summary
- The latest Niseko avalanche report.
Live Web Cam from Hirafu Village
Snow Forecast
360niseko Snow Station Readings Disclaimer
The 360niseko’s snow station for the 2017-18 season is in Higashiyama at 200m *The Hirafu Gondola is at 305m. Please be aware that this new reading is NOT in Hirafu village but a few kilometers down the road. There is always a deviation how and where the snow falls – the area is famous for micro climates and mini weather patterns. Some days there may be 10cm in Annupuri and 25cm in Hanazono and vice versa – some days 30cm of fresh snowfall comes down everywhere!! Altitude plays a big part as well so please don’t take the 360niseko snow readings as being definitive – the readings are what is outside our house on the ground.