Another fine day, maybe
*.2cm of fresh snow has fallen since yesterday morning and at 7:30am today the temperature was 1°c.
Useful information from other places
- Accumulative snow fall to date, 1,482cm
- Snow depth at the peak, 425cm
- Snow depth at the base, 200cm
- JMA’s six hour precipitation forecast, possibly the most accurate weather map
- Real time lift operations.
- The latest Niseko avalanche report.
What’s happening today
No need to travel very far to find a quiet ski slope at the moment so I’m just going to head to Hirafu and enjoy riding on Kogen, Large, Ni-Kabe and a personal favourite, Old Lift Line.
Spring blue bird
Yesterday the weather gave us blue sky’s for the most of the day, I can hardly believe it is almost April but there were a few signs of Spring starting to show around Niseko.
I can’t believe nobody has hit this mushy!
Snow Forecast
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Niseko snow fall data
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