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23/24 snow reports


Niseko Snow Report, 16 March 2024

*5cm snowfall in Niseko over the last 24 hrs. At 07:45 today the temperature was 1°C. Blustery conditions this morning with sunshine expected later today. This mornings accumulation came down late yesterday afternoon. Useful information from other places...

Niseko Snow Report, 15 March 2024

*1.5cm snowfall in Niseko over the last 24 hrs. At 06:15 today the temperature was -3°C. It is a beautiful clear morning and we have had a modest top up of snowfall. A perfect spring morning. Clouds are expected to return from late morning bringing with them...

Niseko Snow Report, 14 March 2024

*1cm snowfall in Niseko over the last 24 hrs. At 06:30 today the temperature was -5°C. Currently we have overcast conditions and cold temperatures. Yesterday evening we had some significant snowfall so there should be some decent coverage higher up on the...

Niseko Snow Report, 13 March 2024

*0cm snowfall in Niseko over the last 24 hrs. At 08:00 today the temperature was 0°C. Sunny conditions but we have some serious wind bearing down on us from the north. It feels much colder out there than xero. Freeze thaw conditions. Treacherous on and off...

Niseko Snow Report, 12 March 2024

*0cm snowfall in Niseko over the last 24 hrs. Not quite zero but we just have a thin layer of frozen slush - freeze thaw conditions. Presently overcast morning with relatively warm conditions. Higher up on the mountain there is probably a decent layer...

Niseko Snow Report, 11 March 2024

*0cm snowfall in Niseko over the last 24 hrs. At 06:45 today the temperature was -3°C. A warmer morning today with overcast conditions. We are expecting some sunshine this morning so it should be a fun day on the mountain. There will still be patches of...

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