Who could forget last years Mad Dog Jam?!? Well it is back bigger and better and hosted by non other than ( drum roll ) NISEKO Mt RESORT Grand HIRAFU!! That’s right our local resort as well as local business has got behind the event and the scene is set for a creative shredathon tomorrow at the base of the Kogen course.
The set up consists of a sculptured set of hips, banks, pipes and bowls and a rail.
9:00 Registration
10:00 Park Open
12:00 Maintenance
13:00 Mini comp start
15:00 Mini comp finish
16:00 Park close
16:30 Mini comp Result
After party at Bar Moon.
Last year the event was at Owashi lodge and was great but more space and snow this year should ensure a steeper drop in zone and faster longer lines with bigger jumps. Rad.
MAD DOG JAM 2015 from 360niseko on Vimeo.