*46.5cm of fresh snow has fallen in the last 24hrs just outside of Hirafu Village. At 7:00 today the temperature was -6°C.
Yesterday may have been the best example of under reporting of snow depth with have ever produced. We swear on our snow station there was only 7cm of snowfall…well anyone who rode yesterday knows that figure was dwarfed by the snowfall on the resort. The avalanche reported 30-40cm and that was more accurate 😉
If that was the case yesterday then what about today!!! The incredible snowfall has continued throughout the night and guess what? It is still snowing. It will be trench town up there today. Have fun and stay safe.
Powdershots in Moiwa
Incredible conditions yesterday at Moiwa expertly captured by Powdershots Niseko.
If you are keen on capturing your own heroic powder shot or video the guys at Powdershots Niseko will get the shots!
Useful information from other places
- Accumulative snow fall to date, 921cm
- JMA’s six hour precipitation forecast, possibly the most accurate weather map
- Real time lift operations.
- The latest Niseko avalanche report.
Snow Forecast
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