*0cm of fresh snow has fallen in the last 24hrs in Hirafu Village. At 7:45 today the temperature was 2°C. We have warmer conditions this morning and light rainfall or half rain half snow (mizorei in Japanese). The winds have picked up and there is an avalanche warning in place. Cold temperatures and snowfall are predicted to return Tuesday and stay cold with continued snowfall for the remainder of the week.
Mt.Yotei Dream
Apologies for not putting out a snow report yesterday…it is a long season and yesterday the perfect weather gave us the chance to earn some turns down Mt.Yotei which meant an early start! Will produce a post about the day soon 😉
Useful information from other places
- Snow depth at the peak, 400cm
- Snow depth at the base, 170cm
- Accumulative snow fall to date in lower Hirafu village, 991.5cm
- JMA’s six hour precipitation forecast, possibly the most accurate weather map
- Real time lift operations.
- The latest Niseko avalanche report.