*10cm has fallen in the last 24 hours in Niseko. At 7:00 today the temperature was -13°C. We are in the grip of the coldest period of the season and the coldest day so far this year!! Kutchan has a predicted top temperature of -14 for most of the day. Coupled with the expected wind the combined wind chill factor drops it down to -41!! At the moment the wind is ok at village level. We have had a good dump overnight and higher up on the mountain conditions will be great – needless to say….LAYER UP!!
Useful information from other places
- Accumulative snow fall to date in Niseko, 800.5cm
- Snow depth at the peak, 300cm
- Snow depth at the base, 120cm
- Real time lift operations.
- JMA’s six hour precipitation forecast, possibly the most accurate weather map
- Snow Forecast 6 day weather summary
- The latest Niseko avalanche report.
360niseko Snow Station Readings Disclaimer
The 360niseko’s snow station for the 2017-18 season is in Higashiyama at 200m *The Hirafu Gondola is at 305m. Please be aware that this new reading is NOT in Hirafu village but a few kilometers down the road. There is always a deviation how and where the snow falls – the area is famous for micro climates and mini weather patterns. Some days there may be 10cm in Annupuri and 25cm in Hanazono and vice versa – some days 30cm of fresh snowfall comes down everywhere!! Altitude plays a big part as well so please don’t take the 360niseko snow readings as being definitive – the readings are what is outside our house on the ground.