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Earning Summer Turns in Niseko

by | Jun 8, 2013 | News, Winter Sports | 0 comments

Summer has arrived with temperatures forecast to reach 27 degrees today in Niseko. After meeting Akio-san the lone Niseko summer skier on Tuesday i have been thinking about skiing the north face of Mt. Annupuri. Having never skied in June before it seemed like a good chance to give it a go.

Tomoko and Hamilton setting off, 7 June 2013

Tomoko and Hamilton setting off, 7 June 2013

Pushing through the sasa bamboo, 7 June 2013

Pushing through the sasa bamboo, 7 June 2013

Liam, Tomoko, Hamilton and i set off from route 58 at around 12 and hiked as high as we could on what remained of the snow pack.

Enjoying the view, 7 June 2013

Enjoying the view, 7 June 2013

Hiking up the steep north face was not that easy. Initially we used snowshoes and skins but quickly resorted to boot packing up the firm base. The bugs were also nasty!

Liam earning his turns, 7 June 2013

Liam earning his turns, 7 June 2013

Nearly there, 7 June 2013

Nearly there, 7 June 2013

In the last 3 days the summer temperatures have melted the base significantly but we were able to make it to within 200m of the summit after hiking for an hour.

Dropping in the snow was excellent – firm fast summer corn!

Liam coming in hot, 7 June 2013

Liam coming in hot, 7 June 2013

Liam loving his summer turns, 7 June 2013

Liam loving his summer turns, 7 June 2013

Hamilton flying, 7 June 2013

Hamilton flying, 7 June 2013

Summer corn snow, 7 June 2013

Summer corn snow, 7 June 2013

Being able to turns in like this in June was a treat.

Tomoko ripping it up, 7 June 2013

Tomoko ripping it up, 7 June 2013

Wind in the hair, 7 June 2013

Wind in the hair, 7 June 2013

Hamilton enjoying a beautiful summer line, 7 June 2013

Hamilton enjoying a beautiful summer line, 7 June 2013

Good times, 7 June 2013

Good times, 7 June 2013

Go team, 7 June 2013

Go team, 7 June 2013

The final section was a little tricky through the tight trees but everyone made it back down with out any problems

Liam threading his way out of the lower section, 7 June 2013

Liam threading his way out of the lower section, 7 June 2013

It was a real adventure and great to have friends there to share it with.

Success, 7 June 2013

Success, 7 June 2013

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