Spring is here and as much as we always love the warm weather after a long winter it is always jaw dropping just how much rubbish appears around Hirafu Village. With hundreds of thousands of visitors each season casually discarded rubbish quickly accumulates and when the snow melts the ugly reality remains.
From tomorrow at 2pm there is a community clean up day and the details are as follows:
This ones for all of us in town to give back to this town we know and love.
Meet at Rhythm from 2pm.
Split into groups to clear the different areas. Hakuchozan Van will take groups different location for dropoff and pick up.
DNA Truck will be available to drop filled bags of mixed (kongo) Gomi.
Group 1: Gondola hill
Group 2: Hirafuzaka
Group 3: lower Hirafu West (Moon Bar hill)
Group 4: lower Hirafu East (Big Foot hill)After we’ve collected all we can, we’ll rendezvous back on the terrace at Rhythm for an afternoon of Drinks, Music, BBQ and Good times.
Kindly supported by Rhythm Japan, Hakuchozan, DNA, Musu, HTM, Nisade and Propeak.