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Niseko Hirafu Whiteout

by | Jan 5, 2012 | Winter Sports | 0 comments

This morning I ventured up the hill nice and early fueled by a J-Sekka Cafe Bacon and Egg roll with high expectations. I was in line nice and early at the Ace Quad Lift #2 Center 4 with a bunch of like minded people.

Center 4 queue, 5 January 2012

Center 4 queue, 5 January 2012

As the lift climbed the visibility went down and the wind picked up.

Half way up the Ace # 2 Quad Lift, 5 January 2012

Half way up the Ace # 2 Quad Lift, 5 January 2012

It’s always cool watching the first few people put in the first tracks of the day down the Super Course from the lift.

Super Course brothers, 5 January 2012

Super Course brothers, 5 January 2012


Kenny Boy ! 5 January 2012

Kenny Boy ! 5 January 2012


Getting some early turns, 5 January 2012

Getting some early turns, 5 January 2012

Near the top the wind started howling and our chair was blown backwards so we were looking downwards from the chair – not a good feeling.

Near the top of the Ace # 2 Quad Lift, 5 January 2012

Near the top of the Ace # 2 Quad Lift, 5 January 2012

The run down super course was fun but not bottomless… Not surprisingly this lift is now on wind hold…. One thing is for sure when the wind dies down it will be magic all round Niseko United.

Keep an eye on the lift status!

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