Mar 31, 2024 | 23/24, Snow Reports
*5cm snowfall in Niseko over the last 24 hrs. At 07:00 today the temperature was 0°C. A great start to the new month with another overnight dump. Yesterday conditions on the upper mountain were excellent and this morning should be even better! Useful information from...
Nov 12, 2023 | 23/24, Snow Reports
Tweet*21cm or more has fallen in the last 24hrs in Niseko. At 7:30 today the temperature was 0°C. Another night and another serious dump. First tracks have already been made in Niseko buy our friends at Hokkaido Backcountry Club! Today there no doubt be many more...
Jan 25, 2023 | 22/23, Snow Reports
*14cm or more has fallen since 07:45 yesterday in Niseko. At 7:15 today the temperature was-10°C. The storm has been raging overnight. The wind seems to have calmed down overnight. The snow is very touchy and for the first time ever it actually “slabbed”...
Jan 19, 2023 | 22/23, Snow Reports
*9cm or more has fallen since 07:45 yesterday in Niseko. At 7:15 today the temperature was-5°C. It is a beautiful clear morning. Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts as we look set for a week of snowfall and cold temperatures for the next week! Useful information from...
Nov 17, 2022 | 22/23, Snow Reports
*13cm or more has fallen since 07:00 yesterday in Niseko. At 6:30 today the temperature was 0°C. Another night of heavy snowfall produced a rapid transformation of the local region. The forecast for the next week is not looking ideal. Hirafu This Morning Useful...